Welcome to Good Mexican Girl! We are based in Tongva Territory / Los Angeles, CA. Our site is on pause. We'll be starting to take orders late summer 2024.
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Wholesale Orders

Wholesale Price Sheet


Good Mexican Girl™ launched in December 2011 as an artisanal boutique bakery and chocolate house that reflects the diversity of Mexican and Latin American flavor profiles. We specialize in vegan and gluten-free desserts that are baked with mindfulness, love, and vibrate with om. It all started with one cookie, the one I call throw me a wedding shower, most popularly known as the Mexican Wedding cookie.  Follow us on social media @goodmexicangirl

Good Mexican Girl™ cookies where you can taste the y-om™ in every bite.


We use organic ingredients in our products and bake in small batches. Shelf life of each cookie bag is 4-6 weeks. Each unit has 4-5 cookies per bag. You can place an order and it will be ready within 48 hours. We can deliver to areas in Boyle Heights, Echo Park, Eagle Rock, Highland Park, Lincoln Heights, and El Sereno. Shipping fee added if delivering outside these areas. Here is a selection of our offerings.


Vegan Cookies

Rosewater & Pistachio

Rocky Road with no nuts

Cranberry Oatmeal **

** single large size available in dozen

Shelf life about 1- 1 ½ weeks @$16 a doz


Gluten Free Pastries

Cranberry Orange Scones*

Lemon Blueberry with Lemon Glaze

*(minimum order ½ dozen @$12.60 med size / $14.00 larger size; refrigerate to extend shelf life. Will last 1 week)

Gluten Free Cookies

Dulce de Leche cookies

Chocolate Chip cookies with Amaranth

Vegan Gluten Free

Rosewater & Pistachio


Soyfree Vegan Cookies

Superfood cookie with Maca, Goji Berry & Coconut


Non-Vegan Pastries

Dulce de Leche cookies

Chocolate Chip cookies

Dulce de Leche Cheesecake (9” for $20.00)

The minimum order required is 5 units per cookie type. If order less than 5 units per cookie type, you will be billed retail rate per unit.  

Example A: (7) Vegan Rosewater & Pistachio & (4) Superfood vegan cookies - (7) $3.90 + (3) $6.50 = $46.80

Example B: (12) Vegan Rosewater & Pistachio, (5) Superfood vegan cookie, (5) Cranberry Oatmeal, (5) Rocky Road, (6) Dulce de Leche -  (33) $3.58 = $118.14


(1-25 units)  $3.90 per unit & $19.50 per 5 units

(26-60 units)$3.58 per unit & $17.90 per 5 units

(61-85 units) $3.25 per unit & $16.25 per 5 units

(86-120 units) 2.93 per unit & $14.65 per 5 units