Welcome to Good Mexican Girl! We are based in Tongva Territory / Los Angeles, CA.
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It's Spring, Time for Renewal

Happy Spring Everyone,

This is the time of year that we are planning new bakes inspired by the season. At the moment, the shop is on pause and we are only baking orders for Capuyo Cafe. Transitioning into year nine has been quite challenging. Suffice it to say that only our vegan empanadas will remain and the baked goodies will become discontinued later this season. 

It is no longer feasible to remain open as we have been operating given the great loss we experienced last year. Though our faithful customers kept us going, it was not enough to sustain Good Mexican Girl.

I'm tapping in to the energy of the season and welcoming renewal of Good Mexican Girl. I want to offer more workshops, expand into live cooking demonstrations, and share more about this Good Mexican Girl's way of being in the world. You get some of this through my other brand Healing Queen. It is time to join them both. 

In the meantime, you can order using our order form found at linktr.ee/goodmexicangirl

We hope to see you soon out at a pop-up later this summer with our vegan empanadas. 

blessings, reina 

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