Welcome to Good Mexican Girl! We are based in Tongva Territory / Los Angeles, CA. Our site is on pause so please place orders for vegan empanadas via StreetStop App.
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Welcome to my site Good Mexican Girl. We make artisanal baked treats, chocolate confections, hand crafted items for the body and wellness products.

During the holidays, I always baked cookies for friends and my mom's work colleagues to give away as gifts. My mom is the chef in the family and my abuelita is the pastry master. I always enjoyed being in the kitchen, preparing meals for loved ones and dear friends. 

In 2011, I decided to venture with a new business of Good Mexican Girl. The name is from a character in my solo performance entitled Whipped! As a "good mexican girl", I grew up learning that a woman must tend to all things domestic and this included cooking. Here I am, launching our on-line shop.


It really all started with a cookie - the one I call "throw me a wedding shower" cookie, most popularly known as the mexican wedding cookie or russian teacake. It's buttery, nutty and just scrumptious with a hint of lemon and sweetness from the powder sugar. We make cakes, cheesecakes, and chocolate truffles. We also specialize in making baked goods gluten-free and some can also be made vegan.